Chapter Spotlight: CITA HOSA Blood Drive

Blood is necessary for many medical treatments, such as surgeries, cancer treatments, and trauma care. Blood donations help save the lives of countless individuals each year, and they help ensure that everyone who needs blood has access to it. Donating blood is a simple and safe process that can have a profound impact on the lives of those who receive it. We at CITA HOSA wanted to do our part in helping the shortage of blood the world is facing today. The Red Cross states that nearly 4.5 million Americans would die annually without life-saving blood transfusions. Clearly, donating blood is an important and life-saving necessity. The need for blood is constant, and yet the supply is not. Only 3 out of 100 people in the U.S. donate blood. CITA HOSA took action and partnered with South Life and held our very own blood drive. In which HOSA members helped prepare weeks in advance. Sign-ups were held during lunches in which students and staff members were encouraged to donate blood. Members helped spread the word to classmates, made sure all paperwork was correctly filled out, and time slots were filled. During the actual event members played a crucial role in making sure everything ran smoothly and safely. In the end this was tremendous success we were able to get 80 donners and collect over 60 pints of blood! Alone in one day CITA HOSA was able to save around 180 lives! This truly was such an amazing success, and we encourage you all to go out and donate blood, seeing as one single pint of blood can save up to three lives every donor counts.

Nikki Bentley