Chapter Spotlight: FBHS HOSA Blood Drive Was a Success!

As our HOSA chapter at Flowery Branch High School prepared for our bi-annual blood drive, we weren't prepared for the impact we would have on our local community! With LifeSouth, our student body was able to save 162 lives with the blood collected: 48 whole blood and 3 double red donations. We've always been passionate about hosting blood drives, and we are extremely thankful that 62 students were able to donate! The current national blood shortage has taken a toll on Georgia citizens, and with our donation, we can hopefully contribute to many sickle cell patients' safe blood transfusions. Blood is always in need, and our blood drives are a way for our chapter members to get involved, while also earning a few service hours for their help! Our donors are greatly appreciated, and we know that we will continue to host more successful blood drives in the future!

Nikki Bentley